Bromeliads - Vriesias

Vriesea is one of the forty genera of bromeliads. Within the Vriesea genus there are hundreds of different species and many more varieties and cultivars. Vrieseas are native to Central and South America, but are grown as indoor plants throughout the world. The Vriesea genus includes many small to medium varieties, but also incorporates some of the largest and most stunning bromeliad specimens. Vrieseas are very popular for their spectacular and long-lasting flower spikes. The Vrieseas that do not produce showy flower spikes usually have interesting foliage.


Vriesia - "Pink Mink"


Vriesia - "Bangkok Rose"

Vriesia - "A Touch of Class"


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Vriesia Shiingi hybrid - A stunning big bright pink beauty. $50
Vriesia Momotaro - A beautiful big pink patterned specimen. $60
Vriesia Kiku - A big serene, relaxing light green patterned beauty. $50
Vriesia Moonlight Bay - A stunning big beauty with contrasting green, white and purple pattern. $55
Vriesia Margarita - A big beauty with contrastin green and yellow striped pattern. $45
Vriesia Tasman Candyman - A beautiful bright mellow pink centre with contrasting hazy grey outer petal coloring. $50
Vriesia Guttata - The cutest spotted specimen in lime green and brown spots. $35

Bromeliad Families

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